Team Engagement Starts with YOU Boss


So you got into a management position and now you find yourself having to navigate the complicated and often turbulent waters of “people management”. Daily you face human connection battles that test your sense of sanity and leave you awe stricken with people’s ability to twist words, overcomplicate, under perform or not perform at all.

At least that’s how you experience it. Some days you leave exhausted and deeply frustrated. Why can’t your team members just work as hard as you do? Why can’t they just do what needs to be done and stop the complaining already!?!

You can read from thousands of Human Resource books to learn leadership, tools and techniques to empower your people for best productivity and organizational success. You can listen to podcasts galore and google thousands of articles, like this one, in search of answers on how to ENGAGE YOUR TEAM.

You would no doubt be a better, or at least more informed Manager, as a result. So do all of that. Growth is good! But to help make your life easier I would like to offer you some thoughts on how to engage your team via ENGAGING YOURSELF first.

“But I am engaged Trisha! It’s why I am taking up time on my weekend to read this!” Point taken. You should probably use the weekend to rejuvenate and be your best centred self on Monday but that is for another article.

Stay with me. Put the defences down. I am here to help.

When I go into companies and facilitate TeamUP Catalyst Conversations I often hear (when managers and leaders are not in the room) variations of the same 4 comments over and over and over and over again. Want to know what they are? Thought you would.

It’s time for some ACDC. (Who doesn’t love a good acronym?)

  1. APPRECIATION: My boss doesn’t know or appreciate what I do and who I am.

  2. COMMUNICATION: Nobody tells us what is going on. We need to be in the loop.

  3. DISCONNECTION: Work gets dumped on me and no one asks if I want to or even have the ability to do it. Also Lucy creates chaos for everyone and is a bully—and my boss doesn’t seem to notice or care.

  4. CONTROL: I am overly watched/evaluated/scheduled/directed…you get the idea.

You have THUNDER stuck in your head right? No? Just me?

Ok so I said I want to help. Let’s take a quick look at these common complaints about managers and how they provide INSIGHT into your own leadership practices. From there I will provide a MindSet Tweak around each one and include a Leader ActionStep to help you ENGAGE from the inside out.

Sounds like fun right? Great let’s do it.


#1 APPRECIATION: Do you genuinely and regularly appreciate your team members?

Appreciation is a verb and requires daily intentional effort. People like to know that you see, hear and value the contributions they are making collectively and as individuals. So are you? Are you consistently and intentionally communicating your appreciation for each team members work and the unique energy they bring to the organization?

MindSet Tweak: Appreciation is different than recognition. While formal recognition processes are important and motivating there is human-centred value in the unstructured, non-programmed genuine act of appreciating someone. Recognize achievement yes but also be sure to intentionally share your gratitude for the daily contributions a team member brings to their role and the organization as a whole. Do it in the moment to make it memorable.

Leader ActionStep: Starting tomorrow make an intentional effort to express genuine gratitude and appreciation at least two times during the day (even if you don’t feel like it!). It’s amazing how when you start looking for the positive contributions of team members the positive behaviour starts showing up! These moments of appreciation should be an immediate response to constructive behaviour, attitude or act of service. Be timely, genuine and grateful and your CARE will be an example of contagious leadership.


#2 COMMUNICATION: Are you keeping your people in the communication loop?

People want to feel like they know the voyage they are on—it helps maintain focus, loyalty and resilience when fairing the stormy seas! Are you communicating where the ship is sailing? Are you showing respect of their roles by providing context and understanding around how the direction and goals of the company impact the work they do and the contributions they are making? If you are unsure (and you may very well not really know) I suggest you ask your team for feedback. #yesyoucan

MindSet Tweak: Information is an organizational currency. While there is obviously a level of discretion around what and when certain company details should be shared the overall reality is that a great majority of employees feel “left in the dark” around even the most general company goals, objectives and decisions. Engage your people by leading the conversations they desperately want to be a part of.

Leader ActionStep: Sharing of information and direction is a two-way street. Provide weekly updates that includes appropriate information impacting your team members. Leave time for questions and when asked please, please, please ANSWER THEM. If you don’t know the answer say you don’t know….and then find out what you can and share that information as a group or individually. Share, LISTEN and respond. Say those three words ten times. Make them your mantra. When you actively share, listen and respond you sow the seeds of trust and connection.


#3 DISCONNECTION: Are you aware of the challenges team members are facing?

This may be number three on the list but it’s a BIG DEAL and takes up a lot of space in TeamUP  Conversations. Employees often (very often) proclaim that management has no idea how hard their jobs are and that the daily struggles of work (lack of resources,  inadequate training or support, constantly changing roles with little or no dialogue) are making it difficult to be successful. In addition to being “out of touch” with what it’s like to be doing the work there is often also a sense that management either ignores or doesn’t even know about corrosive behaviours of certain employees. These disconnections show up as a feeling that management does not care. And when management doesn’t care why should we (we being the employees….and really…do you blame them for feeling that way?)

MindSet Tweak: Your job as a leader is to BE CONNECTED. It takes time and effort but is essential to effectively leading human beings. Your relationships with each team member is your responsibility and not something extra you have to do. Own it. Embrace it. Live it.

Leader ActionStep: At least every 30 days schedule 1on1 conversations with your direct reports. When possible have these conversations in their office, around a walk or visit a coffee shop. Ask a variation of these two questions: 1. How can I help you to enjoy and be more successful? 2. What do I not know and should?  Ask the questions and then…you guessed it…LISTEN. If you need to follow up on something be sure you DO THAT. Not following is extremely damaging to the relationship and level of trust with that person.


#4 CONTROL: Are you managing or leading?

Stop trying to control everything. Just stop it. There I said it. Easier said than done though for many managers who passionately care about company goals and personal/professional results. It’s good to want to do great! But is your desire to achieve goals getting in your team members way of contributing in a meaningful and sustainable way? Beyond immediate results what are the long term strategic costs of your control? I’ll tell you—YOU WILL LOSE GOOD PEOPLE (and that is expensive!).

MindSet Tweak: Control suffocates collaboration, courage and growth. Take a leadership role in growing your team in a way that does not require your fingerprint on everything that happens. This can take time and requires lots of ongoing open communication to develop people and processes that reflect a collaborative and trusting work environment.

Leader ActionStep: You know that 1on1 conversation you are going to have with each team member? Tell me didn’t forget already! J Those 1on1 conversations are a perfect opportunity to also ask this really important (but often difficult) question, “What can I do different?” People may not want to tell you if you have not been open to feedback before but with time and by taking action from the suggestions you do get you will grow trust in the feedback loop. It takes courage to actively ask for reviews on how you lead and it is courageous of those who offer insight so REWARD THE EFFORT with an open ear, heart and genuine level of CARE.


Listen, I know that it is not easy to be a manager. Some days you will get it right. Some days you will screw up. That’s a given. What you need to be sure of is that you SHOW UP each day to empower, engage and support your team members in their own personal AND professional success. That is your responsibility…and your privilege.

Remember, team engagement starts with YOU. When you show up interested and invested in the success of the organization and each person you give others the courage and drive to do the same. So go get your BOSS ON and try to enjoy the leadership journey.

THUNDER! Nah nah nah nah nah nah. #sorrynotsorry


Trisha Miltimore is a thought leader and practical strategist with expertise in human connection, leadership, resiliency and team engagement. Looking for a speaker or trainer for your company or conference? Contact us and let’s chat about your needs.


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