On leadership, personal development and team engagement. Basically how to be an impactful totally awesome human.

Rockstar WorkLife Lessons.

Growing up in a music store I was serenaded by hundreds of rock stars, country crooners, jazz jewels and pop sensations. Sure none of them were truly “famous” but every single one of those passionate performers believed in their talent. In honour of their awesomeness here are 3 tips for YOU to ENGINEER a more aligned, and fulfilling, WorkLife experience. READY TO ROCK?

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How EXPECTATIONS get in your way.

You will never exceed your expectations (not for long anyway). That statement resonates with me. I have come to learn that my expectations are how I self-sabotage. I see it in others too (heck, it’s always easier to see self-sabotage in others more than in ourselves). Here’s how different types of EXPECTATIONS can wreak havoc on our WorkLife Experience.

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The WorkLife Experience Inventory- ask yourself these questions.

WorkLife Synergy is based on improving the everyday by tweaking mindsets, adjusting habits and lightening up your work/life/living experience . Before we can improve focus as work, increase career satisfaction, reduce overwhelm and gain clarity on how to increase SUCCESS you need to take inventory on what's working, what isn't and what your true life experience is right now.

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Engineer Moments that Matter.

Here's a tool to LIVE a better WorkLife Experience. It's a wonderful way to invite GT's (good-times) into your day, week or month. Additional side effects include: better focus when working, strengthened connection to purpose, improved mental wellness, moments of joy/play/laughs, increased sense of fulfillment and heightened excitement for work & life in general.

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