A release from your job. Or relationship. Maybe both.
The slam of your teen daughter’s bedroom door—in your face.

A disappointed spirit. Crushed heart.
Financial loss.  Weight gain.

Yap. Life can be tough. Unfair. Damaging.
How can we FLOURISH under FIRE?

FLOURISHING is fundamentally the PROCESS of experiencing DAILY FULFILLMENT while exploring and expressing our most authentic selves. Challenges, from the mundane to seemingly catastrophic, all contribute to our life journey. Interestingly, most major life DEFEATS are also listed as LIFE VICTORIES.

Yes. That divorce. Professional betrayal. Failure.
They are victories in the story of your uprising. 
Personal transformation from wounded to winning.

Tap into your deep-rooted faith in hope.
Extract even a tiny trace of resiliency.
Manifest COURAGE by simply moving forward.

This is how we FLOURISH under FIRE.

I called upon all of you to share your womanly wisdom on transcending tough times.
Life is a teacher.  Here is what she has taught some of you…

  • Any situation that arises or tests me, I push forward with a positive mental attitude (my motto, PMA). – Alannah 

  • I just went to a laughter group, or laughter yoga, where a group of us lead by a facilitator did laughing exercises for over an hour… It was incredible! – Jodi

  • I remind myself of the past tough times I’ve come through. It reminds me that I’m stronger than I give myself credit for. – Jennifer

  • I have a fabulous support network of like minded people who genuinely want me to win! I stay in daily/weekly contact with them. –Kathleen

  • The ” and this too shall pass” parable can always ground me in the truth that all the moments of our life are passing. It helps me understand the idea accepting all that is. – Melissa

  • I give myself permission to cry. To feel the pain without becoming the pain. I embrace the lessons to be learned. And then I call my friends for a shopping trip. – Rina

  • This is my 3 step approach.  1) I find a support person for a VENTING session. Venting is an important part of acknowledging and releasing pain/anger/disappointment or sadness, 2) I select an appropriate time period and action plan for my “personal pity party”.  It could include ice cream, a glass of wine, or new shoes, but I time-bind it, and declare it OVER when it’s over. 3) THEN, I only allow myself to do and say positive things and speak only positively. IF, the “tough” issue arises, I choose to see it as a lesson, a blessing, a turning point, something that HAD to happen to get me to where I am now. – Susan

  • When I feel down I write down 21 things I am grateful for. It lifts my spirit and creates positive energy and reminds me of all the amazing things and people I have! –Tamara

  • I forgive. – Leslie

What is the life wisdom that steers you through the chaos of disappointment or confusion? Share below. This is WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN.


Trisha Miltimore is a thought leader and practical strategist with expertise in human connection, leadership, resiliency and team engagement. Looking for a speaker or trainer for your company or conference? Contact us and let’s chat about your needs.


How to move past the PAST.


Compassion Conduction