I was told today that there is a BIG difference between being content and being happy.

It got me thinking.  Am I content or happy?

To be content. The definition.
Desiring no more than what one has; satisfied.
Ready to accept or acquiesce; willing.
Contentment is satisfaction.

To be happy. The definition.
Delighted, pleased, or glad.
Indicative of pleasure or joy.
Fortunate or lucky.

To be content or happy. In our culture of chaos and impossible standards which one should we really be striving for? Satisfaction or joy?

Perhaps a very personal question.

Here’s what I think…after all my thinking.

Happiness IS contentment. It’s also gratitude and acceptance. The process of living the present with intention and manifesting the future with purpose.

When we meet our needs of self-care, self-expression and self-love we allow for contentment AND happiness to GROW in our lives. We invite joy. Connect with our authenticity. Nurture greatness.

I’m rooting for happy contentment.
A life experience that is rich with the EVERYDAY and blessed by the EXTRAORDINARY.


Trisha Miltimore is a thought leader and practical strategist with expertise in human connection, leadership, resiliency and team engagement. Looking for a speaker or trainer for your company or conference? Contact us and let’s chat about your needs.


The Pivot Point.


Shining From the Darkness.