We provide strategic planning, facilitation and team engagement training that empowers professionals to more effectively COMMUNICATE with CONFIDENCE and LEAD with IMPACT.

Founded in 1997, Contagious Leadership Training offers consultative leadership training focused on elevating team’s aptitude, attitude, appreciation and results. It’s all about the results.


Team Engagement

Empowered and engaged team members create sustainable success. Trisha and team offers interactive, effective and impactful workshops for teams to strengthen connections, improve communications and nurture collaboration. 1/2 day and full days experiences available.


Leadership Development

Via 1on1 coaching and executive leadership workshops Trisha educates and empowers leaders to CARE Contagiously. Learn to improve your connections, appreciate with authenticity, recognize strategically and engage those who work for and with you.


Strategic Planning & Facilitation Services

Trisha and her team helps organizations plan for success. By working together, we set goals, come up with strategies, and make plans that can be put into action. We use tools like SWOT analysis and scenario planning to think creatively and bring different perspectives together. The result is a clear roadmap that helps teams make decisions, work together, and grow.

Trisha Miltimore is a Certified Management Consultant.

Leadership doesn’t just happen.

Let’s work together to create SUCCESS that is sustainable, impactful and values driven.

Team Experience + Leadership Programs

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Team Engagement Experience

This full day team training experience includes a facilitated Conductive Conversation Session to learn what is and isn’t working well. Team members are then walked through the CARE Contagious Experience including determining action steps to improve personal and professional well being.

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 Communications Training

Want to improve confidence in communication skills amongst your team and leadership? SPEAK+ is a fast paced, immersive and dare we say it…FUN…learning experience that offers practical tools to own your voice, to share your unique energy and grow your confidence. From asking for a promotion to calling up that next client—effective communication is critical to success in every aspect of our lives and business success.

Learn more here.

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Social Enterprise
Leadership Training

We train IMPACT LEADERS [ & social enterprise teams] on how to grow success, drive change and not burn out. Built around impact modules Rock Your Leadership is fully customizable to meet your organization’s unique training needs. We make a difference by helping you to make a difference.

Learn more here.