Trisha Miltimore

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Rockstar WorkLife Lessons.

Growing up in a music store I was serenaded by hundreds of rock stars, country crooners, jazz jewels and pop sensations. Sure none of them were truly “famous” but every single one of those passionate performers believed in their talent. I remember being in awe of their ability to grab a guitar (usually one of our most expensive models) and start singing full out in the middle of our busy store. Their displays of talent so full of bravado and energy. And even when they were, of course this is …well… sort of… subjective, not that great, they still generously gifted their PASSION with anyone who would listen.

And I listened.

What I heard, and absorbed, was powerful wisdom from expressive souls actively sharing their passions and purpose to create their dreams and goals. The life lessons I learned from my rock star friends still influences my work as a Work Life Synergist. Their wisdom, persistence and courage, continually inspires my WorkLife teachings and programs. So kudos and THANK YOU to my long-haired-guitar–thrashing-up-no-earlier-than-noon buddies.

In honour of their awesomeness here are 3 tips for YOU to ENGINEER a more aligned, and fulfilling, WorkLife experience. READY TO ROCK?

1. Own Your Greatness.

Yes. There was a whole lot of “owning greatness” going on in our music store. And it was inspiring. Sometimes we stop short of fully expressing who we are and what we are capable of because of the deep belief that who we are and what we are capable of is not unique enough. That someone else is already doing it. Better. Braver. Bolder. The real deal? No one has your talents, energy, experiences or perspective. So what you have to offer the world needs. Trust me.

Plus the weight of NOT moving forward with your goals (the big ones and the daily little ones) can be a big drain on your WorkLife Synergy. So how can you show up better for yourself? What can you do TODAY to move you forward even if only a little teeny bit?

It feels good to feel good about creating your OWN positive momentum.

2. Expect Respect.

Throughout your journey people are going to say, or imply, that you can not do it. That you are not talented enough, special enough or deserving. People may treat you poorly, screw you over and/or challenge your sense of worth. This happens to everyone. And from what I learned…this happens a lot to rock stars. But these crazy proud spirits just moved forward anyway. I began to notice that while many of these musicians were managing their own doubts they also absolutely expected respect from others. Do you expect respect from your family members, partner, clients, colleagues and friends?

Dr.Phil (remember him?) says that we teach people how to treat us. WOW. And TRUE. What are you putting up with? Tolerating? Allowing?

If you need to create mental and/or physical boundaries to protect your own well being--do it sooner than later. Life is too short to allow others to peck away at your spirit. Muster up the courage and either ask for a change or walk away.

3. Less Drama. Play More.

Maybe it was their overall relaxed approach to life that makes me think my rock star friends were less involved with the complicated drama’s so many of us experience in today’s culture of busy and unconnected relationships. Or maybe it was their intense focus on their goals and their passion for playing music that kept them out of the drama game. I do know that DRAMA DIGGING tends to be a pastime for many of us (and it does nothing but repel fun and joy from our lives). How do you invite drama into your life? How is this drama taking energy away from you expressing your passions and fulfilling your greatest purpose? These are hard questions to ask ones self. Hard but necessary.

Drama can be addictive and a comfortable, chaotic space to live in. In fact, creating and engaging in drama distractions is a common response to avoiding personal responsibility and taking agency over what actually needs to be done (guilty!). You intuitively know when you are erecting drama walls to hide from the real stuff that needs to be dealt with. #yesyoudo

No shame. Move forward with courage and focus more on taking one or two small action steps that feel good and do good for your well being. Go for a walk. Write that blog post. Do 15 minutes a day of sales outreach. Get caught up on laundry. Organize your desk. DO SOMETHING that moves you forward.

WorkLife Synergy is the alignment between what you want, how you live your everyday life and what really matters to you.

It is my hope these tips (lessons from my rockstar friends) help you to create the alignment and FEEL the freedom of creating an elevated WorkLife experience.

Cheers to your journey.

Take the pressure off and lean into a greater sense of calm and focus. Achieving doesn’t have to be so hard. I promise.

As a WorkLife Synergist I help professionals, and audiences, to engineer momentum, fun and fulfillment amongst all the expectations and life challenges. Learn tools to be less stressed and more productive, even in the face of endless stuff-to-do and overwhelm. #yesyoucan

Trisha Miltimore is a thought leader and practical strategist with expertise WorkLife Synergy, Productivity and Impact Leadership. Looking for a speaker or trainer for your company or conference? Contact us and let’s chat about your needs.